(By Aryavart International University, India)
Ali NuhuAbubakar, Abdullahi Hassan Gorondutse, Auwalu Sani Ibrahim
Vol. 2, Jul-Dec 2016
The study examined the effect of different aspects of family background such as family income, parental education, parental job, and the socioeconomic status of parents on students’ Academic Performance in Nasarawa local government of Kano state. The results of this analysis show that parental education, job and the socioeconomic status have large effects on students’ performance. However, the proportion students’ academic performance for high socioeconomic class families is more than the proportion of students in the other categories. In other words, students from higher socioeconomic classes have a significantly better chance of great academic performance. The results of Multiple Regression Analysis are shown in table 4 above. Regarding the overall model fit the table indicates that the coefficient of determination; r2 is 0.215, which shows that 21.5% variance on Students’ Academic Performance is accounted; this implies that the contribution of the variables under consideration to the model is moderate; this is in line with findings of (Ellis, 2008) and Adam (1996). This is also supported by the Cohen classification which suggests 0.26, 0.13 = moderate and 0.02 = weak (Cohen, 1998). Accordingly, the Durbin-Watson result indicates that there is no autocorrelation in the range 1.5 – 2.5; therefore the model fit is acceptable