Under the framework of Christian Jewish nationalism: AL-AQSA Mosque's Destiny

Murtdha Ayad Mohammed Dawood

Vol. 18, No. 1, Special Issue 2024


The fate of Palestine, Bayt al-Maqdis, and Al-Aqsa Mosque have become major subjects in the Deal of the Century (DtM), which presents a skewed political, historical, and theological narrative from a single point of view. This essay looks at Christian Zionists' predictions for the future of al-Aqsa Mosque as they are presented in the "deal." First and foremost, it is determined that the deal suggests a significant alteration to the current state of affairs at al-Aqsa Mosque by partitioning it temporally and reserving it exclusively for Jews and Christians on their respective festivals. Second, it establishes the framework for the spatial division—which is used at the Ibrahim Mosque in Hebron—that grants Jews exclusive access to certain areas of the al-Aqsa Mosque. The third phase, which is indicated but not stated clearly, is focused on the Zionist idea of building a "Jewish Temple" on top of the al-Aqsa Mosque site. This conclusion is derived from the expectation of Christ's Second Coming and the influence of Christian Zionism on American politics. Furthermore, the notion that Jesus Christ would approach the location—specifically, through the Golden Gate or an opened Bab al-Rahma—and include the entire area of al-Aqsa Mosque within the aim of the "Jewish Temple" design. Therefore, according to evangelical plans, the DtM suggests splitting up time and space and sharing the mosque as a starting point. If these plans are successfully carried out, the building of a "Jewish Temple" will accelerate with evangelical plans, the successful completion of which will see the construction of a ‘Jewish Temple’ to hasten the advent of the apocalypse. This endeavor reflects Christian Zionists' fervent efforts to reshape the world order by forcing the 'Hand of God', and bringing about their long-held desire for Armageddon through the instructive evangelical plans, the successful completion of which will see the construction of a 'Jewish Temple' to hasten the advent of the apocalypse.

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