The Effectiveness of Using the Popcorn Strategy in Teaching English Language for Developing Vocabulary Skills Among Fifth-Grade Female Students

Ansam Ali Sadiq

Vol. 18, No. 1, Special Issue 2024


This study aimed to explore the effectiveness of using the popcorn strategy in teaching English to develop vocabulary among fifth-grade female students. The popcorn strategy is an innovative teaching methodology that involves using short film clips or illustrated stories to stimulate interaction and enhance linguistic understanding in an engaging and enjoyable manner. This strategy was chosen based on our belief that it could enhance students' interaction levels and motivate them to expand their vocabulary in an effective and innovative way. The study was designed to measure the impact of the popcorn strategy on the development of English vocabulary among the students. The sample included a group of fifth-grade female students who were randomly divided into two groups: one receiving instruction using the popcorn strategy and the other following the traditional teaching method.

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