An Analytic Study of Iraqi EFL Undergraduate Students' Use of Related Terms in English Poetry

Assistant Professor Yousuf Taresh Hilal Alamaya

Vol. 18, No. 1, Special Issue 2024


The current work aims at investigating Iraqi EFL undergraduate students' abilities to use the technically linguistic terms as employed in poetry to show their stylistic competence in this respect. Accordingly, the study in question is classified into two parts in accordance with the linguistic field to which these terms belong: Semantically-related terms and Pragmatically-related terms. In order to reinforce the students' performance in this paradigm, a two-part questionnaire is designated for a sample of (200) subjects in the 4th year classes of English Department, College of Education for Human Sciences, University of Baghdad to come up with real evidence that represents the learners' linguistic knowledge and use of poetic terms. The first part of the questionnaire is meant for the perception and the second for production with the hope this test will achieve its conclusions.

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